Twilight Entrance Window Gallery Project vol.1
浮かぶ -Eternal Haze of Two-
2025.1.11 (sat) - 3.15 (sat)
しかし、1つに見える山には石とガラスの間にはっきりと境界があり、交わらない。2つの物質は1つになることを拒んでいるのか、1つになろうにも何かの意志が阻んでいるのか、2つが交わり1つになることは永久にない。 そもそも1つになるとはどういうコトなのだろうか。境界があり異なる存在でいることで、それぞれの空気感が反応し合い風景を生み出している。そして、一緒にいつづけられる形になったことには変わりはない。
転位 stone,glass 210x200x78mm
Like a mountain floating in the sky, a roadside stone meets glass.
The base of the stone is molded, and molten glass is poured into the mold to support the stone. For glass to support the stone, and for the stone to support the glass, their origins and destinies remain unknown. Yet, these two disparate materials come together to create a single landscape.
However, within this seemingly unified mountain, a clear boundary exists between the stone and the glass—they do not merge. Are the two materials refusing to become one, or is some unseen force preventing their union? The two will never fully intertwine or become one. What does it truly mean to become one? By maintaining their boundaries and remaining distinct entities, their unique atmospheres interact to create a landscape. Yet, the fact that they have found a way to remain together in harmony remains unchanged.
The landscapes created by Tan Jinning expose the insurmountable boundary lines of reality, evoking emotions in those who face them. Yet, they also suggest the possibility of harmony without crossing or merging these boundaries. Perhaps this reflects the artist’s unconscious wish for harmony among people, or between humanity and nature.