Twilight Entrance Window Gallery Project
Twilight Entrance Window Gallery Projectでは、彫刻家の家の小さな玄関を内と外が接する空間を象徴的に捉え、新たな世界へと足を踏み入れる( 出す) 瞬間を演出します。光と闇が曖昧な彼誰時(カワタレドキ)から誰彼時(タソガレドキ)までの間に、玄関のガラス越しに小さな作品が浮かび上がります。 作り手である作者が日常で体感した多くの出来事(コト)を作品(モノ)に置き換え、玄関という空間を通し、日常と非日常、意識と無意識が交錯する作者の世界観を覗いてください。 「彼は誰玄関( カハタレゲンカン)」を通じて、モノとコトの交わりがもたらす、忘れられた感覚を呼び覚ます場を提供します。 The Twilight Entrance Window Gallery Project symbolically captures the small entrance space of a sculptor's home as a place where the inside and outside converge creating a moment of stepping into (or out of) a new world. During the ambiguous time between light and darkness—kawataredoki ("who is he?" time) to tasogaredoki ("who are they?" time)—small artworks emerge through the glass of the entrance. The artist transforms the myriad experiences (koto) they encounter in daily life into tangible objects (mono). Please take a glimpse into their worldview where the ordinary and extraordinary the conscious and unconscious intersect through the lens of the entrance space. Through the concept of the "Kawatare Entrance" (Kahatare Genkan) the project provides a space that revives forgotten sensations brought about by the interplay of mono and koto.