Tomotaka YASUI
Peek into the sleeping drawing
2022.3.23 (wed) - 3.27 (sun)
14:00-19:00 open
2022.2.21 (mon - 3.27 (sun)
In the daylight sun on the veranda of the sculptor's house, you can seek some drawings through the window.
- 感覚線 - 2022.3.31 (wed)
17:00-24:00 open
貉藻 789-1201 高知県高岡郡佐川町甲1319-7
Collaboration: Busshozan Onsen, Hechima Bunko
下山健太郎 Kentaro SHIMOYAMA
高山夏希 Natsuki TAKAYAMA
谷崎桃子 Momoko TANIZAKI
馬場亜衣 Ai BABA
宮川慶子 Keiko MIYAGAWA
保井智貴 Tomotaka YASUI
One time, the surroundings of the "Sculptor's House" lost its rice fields due to residential development, and it felt as if I had returned to an entirely different town. Anticipating that the town's atmosphere would inevitably change someday, I turned my house into a sculpture and embarked on the project "Sculpture of a House in the Town" to capture the town's atmosphere. I occasionally held exhibitions and events, documenting the gradually changing landscape as visual works. However, the time for that change came sooner than imagined. It happened in an instant. Against the backdrop of the unique mountains of the Sanuki Plain, the once beautiful rice field landscape lingered as an afterimage. However, amidst contemplating the next steps, the COVID-19 pandemic persisted, and time seemed to pass only as if I were watching from the sidelines. While pondering the future of the town and the project with a sense of frustration, I recalled the events that sparked the project and the young painters I met around the same time.
A decade has passed without my realizing it, and those young artists in their early twenties at the time have been exploring and sublimating their own worldview into their works within the fabric of their individual lives. Interestingly, they now appear as if their works themselves. However, what thought processes they went through and what drawings they created before turning them into works are rarely seen. Drawing is an act of grasping the yet unseen possibilities within oneself. Although they have no direct connection or relevance to this town, and the drawings they have created have no connection to this town either, they, like everyone else, have accepted the daily reality within the same timeframe and have sometimes resisted and changed. Overlaying this act of grasping with the changing town landscape, I want to record what they will feel in another ten years as an exhibition.
For them, I asked not only for the drawings and sketches made with the intention of creating works (analyzing) but also for those drawn unconsciously, forgotten as they were drawn, and slept somewhere. The texture and quality of paper and fabric, the space created instantly by ink and color placed there, have a charm and reality different from highly finished paintings and sculptures, and their unfinished and dissonant nature makes them cherished. Through the dialogue with what is visible and invisible in their drawings and sketches, I set the experiential act of "peeking" within the relationship between the inside and outside of the "Sculptor's House." I imagine overlapping the pleasure and agony, moments behind the creation, and traces of thoughts that they seldom reveal.
Photo | 下山健太郎 Kentaro SHIMOYAMA

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